Learn how to recognise the warning signs in young people!


Discover the most important things to know about your child’s mental health.

Learn how to effectively monitor changes in them, so you can distinguish healthy development from more serious warning signs.


Time is of essence


Young people can be more vulnerable to becoming unwell, so it is crucial to recognise the warning signs in mental health as early as possible. Recovery tends to be much faster and the impacts on their development won’t be as severe.

This 2 hour, innovative online course is hands down the fastest way for parents to gain all the essential knowledge and powerful, practical tips and next steps!

Enrol here for instant access!


The 2 hour course is broken down into bite size, easy to follow lessons. With your unlimited access you can revisit any topics again if things change. This is particularly helpful as we know children do develop and change all the time. What might be of interest to you when your child is young might differ quite a lot from when they are a teenager. Three age groups are explored separately:

  • Young children
  • Pre-teens 
  • Teenagers/ Young Adults

Instead of sifting through piles of books, webpages, videos and often confusing, contradicting content you can access this comprehensive, systematic guide to gain clarity and direction for you and your family!

Course content 

What you will learn:

  • Mental health foundations
  • Introduction to mental health conditions in young people
  • Stress and risk factors for young people
  • Understanding healthy development of young people
  • Recognising early and serious warning signs
  • Different signs to look out for in very young children, pre-teens, teenagers and young adults
  • What to do next and some helpful resources
  • BONUS: Warning sign tracker with tips and application how to use it

You have unlimited access to this 2 hour, online course on any gadget, so you can learn anywhere, anytime!

Learn in the shortest time  a totally practical, effective way of assessing your child's wellbeing - even with no previous knowledge about mental health.  

For an investment of £99 only - you can get started today and have clarity, skills and positive guidance for many years to come! 

Sign up here!

Complex topics - made easier for you 

Instead of making things unnecessarily complicated or clinical, I explain everything in an easy to understand format.


Develop your knowledge

Learn how to spot the difference between healthy changes and more serious warning signs in small, bitesize lessons that you can revisit anytime.


Level up your confidence

Increase your awareness and confidence in assessing risk factors and when to act - parents and carers are in a great position to do this but not empowered enough.

Learn anywhere and anytime

You can access this training on any device and any time. The bitesize, step by step lessons are ideal for busy parents who need to juggle lots of responsibilities.

About me

I'm Katrin, a highly experienced, global mental health educator and mum to three, amazing teenagers (14, 17 and 19). I'm on a mission to bring practical, empowering mental health education into families, so they can support each other effectively, lower risk for mental health conditions and have a more harmonious, joyful time together. With 25 years expertise in psychology and delivering mental health training I have seen that most training or courses are rather clinical, too theoretical and not with parents specifically in mind. That's why I've founded 'Feel-Good Parenting' and am offering my distilled knowledge in a unique method and the selected  resources that I found best and truly helpful. I translate complex topics into everyday language for you, explain the most important evidence base and models to focus on and always follow up with totally practical, next steps. In my group coaching I provide a safe, empowering, inclusive space where you can build your awareness, knowledge, skills and confidence together. Many of my learners get so confident and skilled that they even start teaching others!

I wish I had this kind of parental guidance and help 20 years ago. I had to learn a lot from own experience as a mum, through trial and error and testing some clinical approaches in my everyday family life. I learned through plenty of mistakes too...

You can avoid a lot of these painful mistakes and learn the essential knowledge and what to do to assess your child’s mental health in a much, much shorter time than me! I love to see the transformation that parents achieve with my help - it's such a privilege and passion of mine!

Paul Blacker

"I have recently received training from Katrin, and I have to say that she is one of the most talented trainers I have had the pleasure of being taught by, a truly outstanding educator. 

I have been involved with teaching mature students for nearly 30 years, and her skills an abilities to keep myself and our group involved and educated was superb. 

Her ability to facilitate and keep the group engaged, while drawing on her own extensive professional experiences and background made the learning transformative and informative, her skill at populating the educational 2 day course with personal and relevant experiences was also extremely helpful. 

I can truly recommend Katrin to any person or company that wishes to engage and utilise Katrin as a consultant or as a trainer."

Sign up here

Invest only £99 in your family's wellbeing and feel confident and good in your role as a parent!

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